
Kirkjubæjarklaustur is an urban center in Skaftárhrepp where the values of respect, positivity, solidarity and sustainability are guiding principles. In Klaustur, the pace of life is slower, there are exciting job opportunities and opportunities for outdoor activities in unique natural beauty are endless. Welcome home.

Kirkjubæjarklaustur is a township in Skaftárhreppur that emphasises values such as respect, positive thinking, solidarity and sustainability. In Klaustur, life flows at a slower pace, and the area offers exciting employment opportunities and incomparable natural beauty for recreational activities. Welcome home.

Skaftárhreppur offers diverse employment opportunities. The communication channels are short and ideas are easily put into practice. The largest workplaces are the nursing home and sanatorium, the school and the kindergarten, but there are also jobs to be had all year round in the tourism industry, as well as in the agriculture and fish farming sectors.


Skaftárhreppur offers diverse employment opportunities. The communication channels are short and ideas are easily put into practice. The largest workplaces are the nursing home and sanatorium, the school and the kindergarten, but there are also jobs to be had all year round in the tourism industry, as well as in the agriculture and fish farming sectors. 

  • Care at Klausturhólar

    The Klausturhólar nursing home and sanatorium provides accommodation for the older residents in Skaftárhreppur. The home has hospital rooms, apartments for the elderly and day-care rooms. Employment opportunities include everything from nursing to care, as well as kitchen work. 

  • Work in Schools

    Kirkjubæjarskóli at Síða and the health-oriented kindergarten Kæribær operate under one management, serving the children in Kirkjubæjarklaustur and the surrounding area. They offer work for teachers and kindergarten teachers as well as learning support assistants. 

  • Tourism

    Tourism is a fast-growing sector in Skaftárhreppur and already provides many full-time jobs all year round, be it in hotels, restaurants or tourist entertainment.

  • Facilities for Jobs Without Location and Self-employed People

    Kirkjubæjarstofa offers rented space for long or short periods of time, in a great community of self-employed people who share a workplace.

Mynd af konu sem heldur á barni og hesti


Kirkjubæjarklaustur is the centre of public administration in Skaftáhreppur and home to basic service for the locality’s inhabitants.

Kirkjubæjarklaustur is the centre of public administration in Skaftáhreppur and home to basic service for the locality’s inhabitants.

There are six restaurants in the Kirkjubæjarklaustur area; Systrakaffi, Kjarr Restaurant, Klaustur Restaurant, Kaffi Munka, Bistro 1783 and Gíg Restaurant. They offer everything from delicious take-away pizzas to fine dining with a focus on sustainability and local ingredients.

The local sports centre is located by the school. It has a gymnasium which is available for renting to groups, a fitness studio and a swimming pool with two hot tubs. A large waterslide will be installed in the next few years.

The health center and pharmacy in Kirkjubæjarklaustur is part of the Southern Iceland Health Institute. It is staffed by a doctor and a nurse, while various specialist doctors come from time to time to provide services to the residents of the area.

Gvendarkjör Grocery is run by locals, and food can also be ordered from Krónan, Selfoss.

Random Klausturbúð offers all sorts of craft, gift, and domestic products.

The county library is connected to the school and serves both the school and the public. The children’s section is the library’s crowning glory.

Ungur drengur með hjálm er á hjóli


Kirkjubæjarklaustur has a kindergarten, an elementary school, and a music school. The plan is to combine the activities of the kindergarten and the elementary school, which will serve under one management in the future.

Kirkjubæjarklaustur has a kindergarten, an elementary school, and a music school. The plan is to combine the activities of the kindergarten and the elementary school, which will serve under one management in the future.

  • Kirkjubæjarskóli at Síða

    Kirkjubæjarskóli is the elementary school in Skaftárhreppur, located in Kirkjubæjarklaustur and students from the district arrive there by school bus. It has a canteen for all students and an ambitious education programme. The library and the music school are housed in the school building. The school’s motto is: Care, Optimism, Collaboration. 

  • Kæribær Kindergarten

    The health-oriented kindergarten Kæribær is located at Skaftárvellir in Kirkjubæjarklaustur. It has two sections and around 36 pupils. The kindergarten’s motto is: Our education is play, which reflects its core values, which revolve around free playing.

  • The Music School

    The music school is located in the elementary school building and collaborates greatly with the school. Music studies are open to all inhabitants in Skaftárhreppur.

Maður í hvítri skyrtu bendir á hvítt borð

Sports and Social Activities

Kirkjubæjarklaustur is home to dynamic sports and youth work. The local youth association is called ÁS, which offers sports activities for all age groups.

Kirkjubæjarklaustur is home to dynamic sports and youth work. The local youth association is called ÁS, which offers sports activities for all age groups.

Children in grades 1-4 have the opportunity to practice sports during school hours. Practices for grades 5-10 begin immediately after school. The club's policy is to provide participants with a diverse background in sports and give them the opportunity to try as many as possible. The club offers training in athletics, football, basketball and karate.

The gym is lively in the evenings, when adults come together and have fun playing various sports. The ÁS youth club offers volleyball, ringo, badminton, table tennis, football and basketball for adults.

The ÁS youth club also organizes sports activities for people aged 60 and over. The group meets twice a week, plays bocce and sack racing, and goes swimming.

The community center, Klaustrin, holds an open house for young people every week, directly following school and sports practice.

A wide range of social activities thrive in Skaftárhrepp and various events have a permanent place on the calendar, such as the Þórrablótið, dishes, harvest and thanksgiving festivals, and Christmas and New Year's entertainment. The first day of summer and the national holiday are also celebrated with great pomp.

Children in grades 1-4 can practice sports during school hours and thus use the school bus. Practice for grades 5-10 start immediately after school. The youth association strives to give their practitioners a diverse background in sports and an opportunity to try as many different sports as possible. The association currently offers training in athletics, football, basketball and karate.

The sports hall is vibrant with life in the evening, when adult practitioners gather to entertain themselves with various sports activities. ÁS youth association offers volleyball, ringó, badminton, table tennis, football and basketball for adults.

ÁS youth association also offers activities for 60-year-olds and older. This group meets twice a week, plays boccia and cornhole, and goes swimming.

The youth centre Klaustrið is open once a week for young adults, straight after school and sports practices.

Skaftárhreppur offers diverse social activities, and various events are fixtures on the calendar, such as the þorrablót, harvest and thanksgiving festival, and Christmas and New Year’s festivities. The first day of summer and the Icelandic National Holiday are also celebrated. 

The following associations operate in the municipality and welcome new members.

  • ÁS Youth Association
  • Kirkjubæjarhreppur Women’s Association
  • Hvöt Women Association
  • Kópur Equestrian Association
  • Mörk Forestry Society
  • Kyndill Rescue Team
  • Stjarnan Rescue Team
  • Lífgjöf Rescue Team
  • The Association of Retired People and the Icelandic Red Cross also operate in Klaustur. 

Kona brosir á meðan hún talar við eldri konu
Loftmynd af hjörð af hrossum á gangi yfir þurran grasvöll.

Skaftárhreppur is on the doorstep of Vatnajökull National Park with its unique natural beauty and endless opportunities for various outdoor activities.

Skaftárhreppur is on the doorstep of Vatnajökull National Park with its unique natural beauty and endless opportunities for various outdoor activities.

Outdoor Activities

Mynd af manni sem heldur á barni með yfirskriftinni
Foss er að koma niður fjallshlið við hlið byggingu.

There are various different options regarding accommodation in Kirkjubæjarklaustur.

There are various different options regarding accommodation in Kirkjubæjarklaustur.

If you have questions regarding this subject, please contact heima@klaustur.is.


Öldruð kona situr við borð með hjólastól í baksýn

Contact us

Do you have any questions about life in Skaftárhreppur? Please fill out the form and we will respond as soon as possible.

Contact Us


Klausturvegur 4, 880 Kirkjubæjarklaustur, Iceland



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